To Us.

我問為什麼 那女孩傳簡訊給我 
而你為什麼 不解釋 低著頭沉默
我相信你很愛我 不願意敷衍我 

想問為什麼 我不再是你的快樂 
可是為什麼 卻苦笑說我都懂了
自尊常常將人拖著  把愛都走曲折 
假裝了解是怕 真相太赤裸裸

我懷念的是無話不說 我懷念的是一起做夢
我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
誰記得 誰忘了

我懷念的是無言感動 我懷念的是絕對熾熱
我懷念的是你很激動 求我原諒抱得我都痛
我記得你在背後 我記得我顫抖著
記得感覺洶湧 最美的煙火 最長的相擁
誰愛的太自由 誰過頭太遠了 
誰要走我的心 誰忘了那就是承諾
誰自顧自地走 誰忘了看著我 
誰讓愛變沉重 誰忘了要給你溫柔

(我懷念的) 我還有想要愛你的衝動
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
我放手 我讓座 假灑脫 誰懂我多麼不捨得
太愛了 所以我 沒有哭 沒有說

i thought the past is the past.
and it can just be good, stay in the past, as long as i am moving forward, through time.
well it's not true.
it's just "i thought so"
tears still streaming down after what happened and after all these time.
i've been thinking a lot about us lately.
the conversation about our family, the birthdays we spent together, the trips, those cards and notes we wrote..., your last phone call, and the text message, and so much more.
it all happened too quickly and i still don't get the picture about what was wrong at the end.

i wish we both become someone who knows better on how to love and be loved.

1 comment:

  1. the past is the past.
    but the song always remind me of the past...
    it can just stay in the past
    because now, we have already become someone
    who knows better on how to love and be loved.
